Flash Fiction: Uses

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PHOTO PROMPT © Valerie J. Barrett for Rochelle’s Friday Fictioneers. Other stories featuring the prompt can be found here.


“I can get hotter than you,” said the kettle to the iron.

“Oh hush, you noisy bastard. You squeal like a banshee when you heat up. That’s why you were replaced for a newer model. Replaced by electronics. Ha,” said the iron.

“You’re a dust collector.”

“And you’re not?”

The spoon groaned, “Here we go again. You’re both old and useless. I still maintain my functionality.”

Tsk, tsk.

“Are you sure? You’re looking rather tarnished, had it, ready for the tip, never to touch lips again,” said the iron feeling rather cold.

Just another day on display in the museum.


  1. Humorous story. It is a novel idea to bring the old items alive and share their thoughts with each other as they have nothing else to do than being mere display items.

    Sorry to know about demise of Shri A.V.S.Iyer.May God provide peace to the departed soul and courage to the bereaved family to bear the loss.

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  2. Nice twist at the end. I really think it’s rather sad that these old tools of housekeeping sit in museums or antique shops these days. I still have a long-handled ladle that I use when I creating a stew or a big pot of soup. It’s old–belonged to my mother-in-law. Has great value to me 🙂

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      1. There was a writer I read about awhile back who wondered if anyone was paying attention to her google searches because they were all about how to kill someone and not have it show up in an autopsy. lol

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